My Dear Clients

In 1988, I graduate ranking first in school from Ankara Kocatepe Mimar Kemal High School. I graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1994 and became a specialist in dermatological and venereal diseases in 1997 with the TUS exam. I worked as a Dermatologist at TBMM Hospital between 1998-2016. Since 2015, I have been serving you, our clients, in our own clinic.

Capillary Vessel Treatment

The problem of capillary vessels, in which genetic predisposition plays a major role, and which is common especially in light-skinned-sensitive skin, is caused by the increase of veins with a diameter of less than 1 mm and a pronounced appearance on the skin. The capillary problem that can occur in many different parts of the body does not actually cause adverse effects like varicose veins, which is another vascular disease in terms of health.

Do you want to have capillary vascular treatment or learn the price in Ankara?

Capillaries cause psychological discomfort for patients due to the red and purple stained appearance on the skin. Often, people with blemish problems have an underlying capillary problem. Capillary Vascular Treatment with Dye Laser refers to the medical aesthetic application that aims to remove the capillary image and uses laser technology, which has been used frequently in many areas of medicine to perform this procedure. Laser technology has been developed over time to solve the highest benefit for the needs of patients and the treatments of physicians in the fields of medical aesthetics and skin - skin diseases in the most effective way and in the shortest time. Today, researches are still continuing to bring laser technology to advanced levels. The Dye Laser system, as a technology that is much more sensitive to the skin but has been produced to make its results much more effective, has recently become different and prominent in laser systems. Dye Laser, which is effective on capillary vessels and common redness, is only vascular laser. It is a special laser system that sees oxyhemoglobin in capillaries.

What is the basic logic of capillary treatment with Dye Laser?

The basic logic of Capillary Treatment with Dye Laser is to affect the subcutaneous tissues with the heat and light energy obtained from the laser technology provided by the Dye Laser device and to remove capillary vessel formation; It can be summarized as shrinking the vein by destroying the oxyhemoglobin in the vein.

How is Capillary Vascular Treatment applied with Dye Laser?

In case the most appropriate treatment method to achieve the desired results according to the determinations of the doctor and the patient’s wishes is the application of Capillary Vein Treatment with Dye Laser, the area where the application will be started is cleaned and hygienically prepared for the application. Technical details such as appropriate wavelength,pulse and frequency are selected over the laser device according to the structural characteristics of the person, the areas where the treatment will be applied, the type, diameter and thickness of the capillaries. With the Dye Laser head, it is possible to pass over the outer surface of the area where the capillary problem is experienced, as the treatment is intended. After the procedure, which is completed within 10-15 minutes, the patient can continue her/his daily life without any problems. Mild redness and burning sensation that may occur in sensitive skin disappear spontaneously within a few days. How many repetitions the application will require varies depending on the characteristics of the patient and the scope of the treatment, but it is a general picture that a single session is sufficient. The care techniques and sun protection methods that should be applied to the area after the application are described to the patient by the specialist doctor.

What should be considered when capillary treatment with Dye Laser?

As it should be in every application that may affect health, the person must be examined by a specialist doctor before performing Capillary Vascular Treatment with Dye Laser. Advancing the treatment process of capillary vascular treatment with Dye Laser under the supervision of a specialist doctor, using reliable and effective devices in applications, and the hygienic problem of the environment where the application is carried out are of great importance in terms of eliminating possible side effects and risks.

For Your Questions

Capillary Treatment with Dye Lazer and price in Ankara

The information given in the articles on our website is written in order to briefly answer the people’s curiosity about medical aesthetics and dermatology applications. The most appropriate treatment method according to the structural characteristics of the person and the reason for application can only be determined depending on the determinations to be made after a specialist physician examines the person. Depending on the approach that the treatment method should be clarified in a personalized way, price information for Capillary Treatment with Dye Laser cannot be provided on the internet. You can call us on 0312 219 18 81 and 0312 219 18 82 for more detailed information about Capillary Treatment with Dye Laser and to make an appointment.

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