My Dear Clients

In 1988, I graduate ranking first in school from Ankara Kocatepe Mimar Kemal High School. I graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1994 and became a specialist in dermatological and venereal diseases in 1997 with the TUS exam. I worked as a Dermatologist at TBMM Hospital between 1998-2016. Since 2015, I have been serving you, our clients, in our own clinic.

Blog Posts Posts

Ideal Lips and Lip Filling

What is the ideal lip shape? Aesthetically, the lower lip should be slightly fuller than the upper lip, and the gingivas should not be seen while laughing. The lips should fall behind the imaginary line drawn from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin.

Vagina laser

Vaginal laser, in other words laser narrowing of the vagina; It is the regeneration and rejuvenation of intravaginal tissue without anesthesia and seamlessly with laser stimulation. After the vaginal laser is applied, it increases the vaginal functions as well as the aesthetic improvement.

For Your Questions

10 Golden Recommendations for Healthy Lips

Lips are the sexiest, striking and healthy parts of the face. Lips dry with age, lose their volume, corners go down with the effect of gravity, and thin wrinkles form around them.

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What is nasal filling performed for? How is nasal filling procedure and how is it different from surgery?

What is the working principle of focused ultrasound? What is the difference of focused ultrasound from laser systems?

What is the Mechanism of Action of Thread Face Lift? When does the effect of the threads begin?